Friday, May 8, 2015

Apparently a lot of stress and tears

Ok so the answer to yesterday's question is a lot. A lot of stress and tears. I had to register for the TeXes test today. That is the big certification test you have to take to teach in Texas. Well, I have to take it by June 1. But the exciting news is that there are no dates near my home before June 1. I frantically, I do mean frantically, text the TFA staff. They tell me, "don't worry, take it on June 3."

Phew. So, I start signing up for the June 3 date. But, there are no seats available, even though the website says there are. Panic. Panic. Panic. I start searching again. The whole state. Again. As luck would have it, a test date on May 22nd magically pops up in Texarkana, which is like 2.5 hours from my house. It wasn't there 45 minutes earlier, but it is there now.

I call my husband to see what he thinks. He doesn't answer. I call again. He doesn't answer. It is just me and the most important test . . . ever. My husband doesn't seem to understand that. The SAT, the GRE, they are important, yes. But you have time. You have time to take them again, to study. And quite frankly, you have safety schools and back up plans. This new test. It is pretty damn important. I'm freaking out. And now there are no testing dates.

My contract for my job ended. And they are seriously dragging their feet on paying me. My husband just took a huge paycut, and now I have to drive and pay for a hotel room. I'm just hyperventilating. I'm just freaking out.

But the test is scheduled. My mom has a line on a good hotel room, and she is going to come watch my kids because, oh did I forget to mention, I have to miss my kids' big musical that she has been practicing for for months and months. So at least my mom will be there. Missing my kid's play, yep, start the water works.

Back to tears and studying.

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